Me and my Fitness Journey

This blog is about ME, my journey from bored desk worker to ninja bench presser and soon to be Personal Trainer.

Bored Desk Worker

So lets start this off like any good meeting and I will introduce myself. HI!! I am Michelle Hickey. I am 35 and I’ve decided now is the time to completely change my career and start on a new exciting ( Also Scary) path. How did I come to this decision ? Well read on…………

Mid June last year I lost my job. I worked in Clerys and as I am sure everyone knows, unless you’ve been living under a rock ha ha, it closed in quiet a dramatic and unexpected fashion. There had of course been rumours flying around for weeks if not months before it all happened. Everyday we would check RTE’s website for breaking news of a sale. Those of us that had accepted the company was going under were just waiting to lose our jobs and hoping we were wrong others believed it would continue on and someone would swoop in and save us.

The month before closure we got a notice on our desks confirming that yes the company is being sold and that we would be seeing people around the place, not unlike a house being sold out from under the tenants feet. We started seeing ‘suits’ walking through the office and builders measuring up in the hallways. At that time all we knew is it was being sold but we didn’t know who to. When news broke that one of those was Deirdre Foley we all became a little uneasy. With her history of ruthless take overs ringing around the store and how the media was portraying her we were hoping it wasn’t going to be her. Check out her evil face below 🙂

Bitch Face

On the Friday of the closure I had took a half day. I had left early that day to get my hair done. I only arrived at the Hairdresser and found a text on my phone. It was from one of the girls and they had sent me a picture of a letter that they had been given. It confirmed that the company had indeed been sold and it had been sold to Cruella Deville herself Deirdre Foley of Natrium. The thing that we had been waiting to happen for well over eight months was finally happening. My first thoughts were ‘well its done now, my job is gone but I will be OK, It will take a few months to wind down the company’. BOY was I wrong. I got home around 5.30pm and heard my phone beep, I got another text. It read ‘We have been told to get our belongings and gather at the main stair case’. Ten minutes later I got another saying ‘ We were told the company is gone, its been liquidated and we need to leave and the liquidator will be in contact’. And like that my job was gone.

Clerys Closure

I have worked in accounts, advertising, customer service, temping and stock control jobs since I left school at 18 years old and its really all I knew. Choosing what was next was not going to be easy. Well I say not easy meaning I knew what I wanted to do I was just to shit scared to do it. Ive been a client in Fit Studios Fairview for nearly 3 years and I take part in TRX classes and for the past year some personal Training with the wonderful, talented and amazing Jenni Murphy. One of the reasons why I want to be a PT and have very high standards to live up to is because of this lady. I logged on to NTC (National Training Centre) daily if not twice daily with every intention of booking my Personal Trainer course but each time I got up the courage this little voice told me not to do it. I kept thinking I am not going to be good enough, how can I go from working in an office to being a Personal Trainer?????? Would I be able for all the studying? Would I be able for the exam? I only booked a spot on the course a week before it started and even then I was still telling myself its not for me. And that was only with much encouragement from the most amazing support network ( I recommend you get one if you don’t already have one) so my husband who is supporting us through me starting on my new career path, amazing mentors from Fit Studios and great friends and family.

I can honestly say its one of the best things I have ever done. Our course is made up of Anatomy, Nutrition, Exercise to music (Think 80’s Jane Fonda Aerobics) and Resistance training. The tutors and students in my class are the best. I am loving the studying and learning more in depth into Nutrition and how the body works. And best of all I’ve decided to no longer listen to that little voice telling me not to do things and start facing my fears. I will do a full blog post on the course for anyone thinking of doing the same.

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Personal Trainer

So that’s me. Desk worker to Bench Presser and LOVING IT. Living the dream.

Post Natal Fitness and Crunches


It seems there is a lot of pressure on post natal women to return their bodies to its former shape and along the way to somehow achieve a flat toned stomach with washboard abs.. all the while coping with the after affects of all the major changes their body has gone through during the nine months of pregnancy and also take care of all the needs of a new born baby. Easy…Right!!? WRONG.

The misconception is that you need to start all those core, flat stomach exercises to achieve this fabulous toned tummy. This isn’t the fact those exercises could be the cause of even more issues. So the one that features majorly in peoples minds are crunches or bicycle crunches….Here is why to forget the crunches and focus on regaining Lumbopelvic Stability first.


Stability has nothing to do with strength.. it relates to a group of systems to effectively function together during movement. PASSIVE-Joints/Ligaments ACTIVE-Muscles CONTROL-Nerves coordinate feedback from Passive and active system. These are further categorised into Local and Global stabilisers. The Global stabilisers job is to reduce the pressure put on the Local stabilisers by controlling joint movement. They work at short periods of time (when we move). Their action is direction specific. The Local stabilisers known as inner unit consist of the diaphragm, multifidis, transversus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles. These have attachments directly on to the spine. They are involved in joint support and are not capable of producing any significant joint movement. They stop the spine from buckling.. recruited at very low frequencies they are continuously active.

During pregnancy the active and neural systems are affected. Reduced support from the passive system (Joints/Ligaments) requires the active system (Muscles) to take over.

The deep stabilising postural muscles, Transversus abdominis in particular, who’s job it is to create lumbopelvic stability become mis-recruited during pregnancy. When this happens other muscles have take over this role (otherwise the spine would buckle). The muscles that take over were not designed for this purpose, they were designed to work when we move not to stabilise our body. This then changes the whole muscle recruitment pattern. This change then compromises other functions, in particular balance, breathing, and continence. Relearning correct activation is an important first step and so its more important to dedicate time to this before progressing on any further. This might seem boring and not important but its the key to getting your body functioning correctly and regaining your fitness while not compromising your bodies recovery or adding more complications.

First off crunches will not make your stomach flat. For a post natal women their are far more benefits to regaining lumbopelvic stability than spent doing endless crunches. Crunches increase the intra abdominal pressure on the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, resulting in the abdomen being pushed out and the pelvic floor being pushed down. If the pelvic floor is already dysfunctional then this type of exercise is inappropriate.

It is far better to train the body in functional positions and as the only movement curl ups mimic is getting out of bed there are far more beneficial ways to challenge the muscles in say an upright position to help improve lumbopelvic stability and it also trains the whole body to work as one unit which in turn improves functional fitness.

Posture is so important in recruiting the transversus abdominu (TA)s. Posture in seated, standing, lying and side lying will help recruit the TA. Breathing is another way to help recruit the TA. In my post natal programme we will go through finding neutral spinal alignment in all of those positions as well as working on triggering the TA to activate prior to any movements we do.

Small amounts of cardio are also beneficial but this doesn’t mean jumping like a lunatic around the place. Joints laxity can still be present up to 6 months post natal and up to 3 months after you stop breast feeding. Cardio can be just a affective with non jumping moves. Exercise to music at low intensity paying very careful attention to form with low impact moves can be a great cardio session.

Please always take on board doctors orders before taken part in any exercise programme. What I have wrote here is meant to advise you but please make sure that your post natal check up has cleared you for a fitness programme. Be wary of joining classes which are not intended for post natal clients and be equally aware if you are allowed join one and you are told to ‘Just take it easy’. This is not a good enough instruction for a post natal client.

Give your body time to recover, don’t rush back to trying to get your pre natal body and be aware of the amazing and huge undertaking your body has gone through. Hopefully this was helpful to you. I will be taking one on one PT Post Natal Clients. Babies are welcome too but will not be used in the exercise. We got to keep the little darlings safe and sound and away from any harm. A designated baby area is where they can watch you from and so you can keep an eye on them.

Love Michelle x

Price list


60 MIN PT Sessions €40

30 Min PT Session €20

45 Min PT Session €35

30 Min HIIT Session €20

45 Min HIIT Session €35

PACKAGES – Great value

PT PACKAGES-Combine different goals with Weightloss, Muscle tone and strength, healthy heart and lungs and new gym skills.

2 x 60min PT sessions (2 a week) €70

4 x 60min PT sessions (1 month expory) €140

8 x 60min PT (2 month expiry) €280

12 x 60mins PT (3 month expiry) €420


HIIT PACKAGES- Short on time?

2 x 30min HIIT (A week) €35
3 x 30min HIIT (A week) €50
4 x 30min HIIT (A week) €60


– I will get you in shape for your big day. Nutrition,4 or 8 weeks of workouts and some Honeymoon training sheets to take with you. Intense workouts..lots of de-stressing and sweating.

wedding 2

Either 4 or 8 Weeks of sessions. 3 times a week. Bonus 2 x 30min HIIT Sessions when you book 8 weeks.

Wedding Blaster 4 Weeks (12 sessions) €380
Wedding Blaster 8 Week (26 Sessions) €700 (Pay by the month if you like)


Monday – Friday 6.30am-9Pm

Saturdays 9am-1pm

Sundays 10am-12pm

To book:


Phone: 086 3978943

Thinking of trying PT…


welcome.jpgHello and welcome to a page that’s hopefully gonna change your life for the better…

You have clicked on to this page because you want to try something that is going to give you results, you have a goal and you feel now is the time to achieve it. Good on you and I’m here to help you get that goal.



Personal training is PERSONAL…. its tailored to you and for your needs. Group classes are great but if you have an individual goal then personalising a session to you is how you achieve your goal. Why try and lift a weight that you are not able for just because that’s the only one left for you in a group class?? The other great thing is you get to try all sorts of awesome new things you never thought you could ever do.

In a PT session we mix Kettlebells, Suspension training, free weights, resistance bands and a bit of HIIT Training. All of the above have been explained below so don’t worry you can get to know what they are before you start. There are other packages available which are mini PT sessions of 30mins and HIIT sessions too.

Another reason is sometimes you just need a little help. That little push that can get you to where you need to be. Someone to advise you on your diet and help you make better choices. I promise you I have been where you’ve have been, I have thought “I wont be able for that” and then gone on to smash a personal best at something I never thought I could do in the first place and let me tell you when you do you will tell EVERYONE 🙂 on facebook, twitter, instagram. There is nothing like achieving your goal but achieving something you never thought you could will make you feel like a new person.

Worried I am a drill sergant .. I am not I promise my job is to coach you not shout at you 🙂 … I thought Zumba classes for a few years and any of my students will tell you I am really easy to talk to and my Zumba classes were super fun with plenty of cheesy tunes. I’ve worked with visually impaired clients who also have some severe disabilities and tailored sessions to meet their capabilities so believe me I will not make anyone do anything they are not able for. That said I will push you but I will always make sure you are comfortable and we have talked through any fears you might have before we start.


You are interested in a session or a package of sessions. I am sure you still have plenty of questions and it would be great to get to know you. No better way to do this that with a consultation. Request one and I shall be there to answer any question you have. Ask me everything that’s on your mind … its OK I like lots of questions. We can mail each other, Facetime, facebook message, good old fashioned phone call or text. Request a consultation here




Kettlebells can be scary for some but worry not these babies range in weight from 4kg -48kg. Mine here at Desk To Bench PT Studios start at 6kg and go up to 20kg. So something for everyone. Kettlebells when used correctly can provide excellent full body work outs. The swing is considered the most powerful kettlebell movement because it represents full-body power, extreme fat loss, and a high level of cardiovascular conditioning. Squats, Russian twists, overhead press and rows will give you a great foundation in these bad boys that are so effective when you enter the Russian Army you will be giving one of these to train with. Well if they are good enough for the Russian army……

Reasons to say yes to kettlebell training

  1. Serious Cardio workout ( no running endlessly on a treadmill
  2. Fun and varied not boring
  3. Combines cardio and strength training
  4. Anyone can do it regardless of age, shape and gender.
  5. Short workouts with KB give big results.
  6. Boots metabolism so boosts fat loss.



Using your body weight as resistance is extremely effective. The TRX trainer was invented by a navy seal who still wanted to train but on a boat with a lot of tight spaces in the middle of the ocean and not a gym insight you cant do much. So the TRX Straps were born. You can anchor them pretty much anywhere and use it to tone, build strength, burn calories and all by lifting, pulling and pushing your own body weight. An UNREAL core tool its such a brilliant piece of equipment to not use it in a session. I fell in love with TRX 3 years ago and honestly couldn’t live without it in my training.

Reasons why to say yes to Suspension Training

  1. Total body workout.
  2. Can be tailored to all levels or fitness and strength.
  3. Great for flexibility training. Stretches on a Suspension trainer are easier to do as you are balanced.
  4. No matter what the exercise you will always be building a stronger core.
  5. Compact device that you can use at home. (Home plans available too)
  6. Build strength without any weights.
  7. Tone up every single muscle in your body



There are so many misconceptions around free weights and us ladies bulking up into big manly beasts with huge guns and hairy chests… Its not going to happen 🙂 I promise. Ive been lifting for 2 years now and I am still a woman and haven’t got a hairy chest. Free weights are really going to give you the biggest bang for your buck. Lifting weights not only builds a strong lean body but also builds bone density and can set you up for later life. You can burn calories well after your session because of the amount of effort it takes to lift those weights. If that wasn’t enough of  a reason you will be kicking ass at something most girls fear and smashing goals quicker than if you just bashed away on a treadmill or bike for hours. Weights are individual to everyone I might lift 50kgs but that doesn’t mean I will make you lift that. Personal training is personal remember.

Reasons why to yes to Free Weights

  1. Build strength
  2. Burn Calories during and after sessions
  3. Build stronger bones
  4. Push yourself mentally and physically
  5. Feel a sense of achievement with new skills
  6. Improve your mood and handle stress better



These guys are super fun  but tougher than they look. Try doing 20 reps of 3 sets of bicep curls and your biceps will burn. Great for toning and for adding in extra resistance to take a normal mundane easy exercise to the next level. They can be done pretty much anywhere and they come in different sizes to meet everyone’s capabilities.

Reasons why to say yes to  Resistance Bands

  1. Adaptable to all fitness needs and levels
  2. Used in familiar exercises, Bicep curls, Tricep Kickbacks etc.
  3. Works the whole body
  4. Tones and strengthens body
  5. Makes easier exercises harder
  6. Home use (Home programmes available)
  7. Resistance-band training can help you boost stamina, flexibility, range of motion and more.



HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. Meaning you work your ass of for 30 seconds and then take a short rest period or active rest period. Its been scientifically proven to be more effective calorie and fat burner than a 50min jog at a moderate pace. Basically you burn more fat in less time. It also boots your metabolism and long after you finished your short session you will still be burning fat up to 48 hours later. Why waste hours running on a treadmill when we can do as little as 10 or 20min HIIT session and you will see huge results. Guaranteed.

Why say yes to HIIT

  1. Effective weightloss
  2. Fast, Flexible and fun
  3. Lose fat not muscle
  4. Improve heart health
  5. Great if you are short on time
  6. Burn calories and fat well after your session ended.

So there you have it. You have a goal, I want to get you there and am dying to meet you .

Check out the prices and packages


60 MIN PT Sessions €40

30 Min PT Session €20

45 Min PT Session €35

30 Min HIIT Session €20

45 Min HIIT Session €35

PACKAGES – Great value and excellent way to smash your goal


2 x 60min PT sessions (2 a week) €70

4 x 60min PT sessions (1 month expory) €140
8 x 60min PT (2 month expiry) €280
12 x 60mins PT (3 month expiry) €420


2 x 30min HIIT (A week) €35
3 x 30min HIIT (A week) €50
4 x 30min HIIT (A week) €60

WEDDING BLASTER- I will get you in shape for your big day. Nutrition,4 or 8 weeks of workouts and some Honeymoon training sheets to take with you. Intense workouts..lots of de-stressing and sweating.

wedding 2.png


Either 4 or 8 Weeks of sessions. 3 times a week. Bonus 2 x 30min HIIT Sessions when you book 8 weeks.

Wedding Blaster 4 Weeks (12 sessions) €380
Wedding Blaster 8 Week (26 Sessions) €700 (Pay by the month if you like)

Book a session here.

Look forward to talking to you.


Hypo Kinetic Disease


Hypo Kinetic Diseases
“I’m healthy I eat really well and I don’t really drink… I haven’t much time to exercise but sure my diet is good so I’m fine”

Does this sound familiar?

You still could be at risk from Hypo kinetic disease… Which is Fancy words for diseases caused my not moving enough. I’ll put my hands up …before I went to college I didn’t know the term either. But I was very familiar with family members and people I knew who had chronic diseases which I now know we’re caused by a hypo kinetic lifestyle. Wether through illness, and absolutely NOT through “laziness” ,as some fitness professionals might say, or through lack of movement due to the way society is these days they had diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes and arthritis.


Everything is made to make our lives flow faster so less time doing things we hate (unload dishwasher, wash the car, walk in the rain) and more time doing what we enjoy, which if you are into fitness that’s great but if you’re not it’s not so great.

Most desk jobs involve you sitting down for long periods of time and being inactive, add in stress if you are in a role where you are under pressure and you’ve got yourself a recipe for health issues.

So why don’t we just move more?
-Because life gets in the way and maybe you’ve got kids to look after and I’m sure that’s a tough job.

-Maybe you are so stressed after work you just want to drown your sorrows in a big oul glass of wine and stick two fingers up the world ( we’ve all been there).

-Maybe you are injured and feel like you can’t do exercise or have been told not too.

There’s so many reasons why we don’t move more and we all know them. Moving more doesn’t mean you have to join a spin class or karate or even PT sessions if that’s not for you.. Doing that is going to be more beneficial as it will raise you heart rate and if you go there you’re going to work your body.. there are so many other options to 60 min classes like a quick 20/30 min HIIT session twice a week. But im honestly not trying to sell you something you can make up your own mind after reading this whether you want to join a fitness program or not.

Add in moving more with an extra walk maybe a day, grab your bike and go for a cycle… Just something to get your heart rate up your body moving and your joints lubricants. A lot of people think because they’ve got a healthy diet but don’t exercise that they are not at risk any more from chronic disease but this is not true you are still at risk of hypokinetic diseases which again mean diseases where we do not move enough.. Yes you wouldn’t be as at risk as an someone who might be struggling with their weight or a person with an unhealthy diet but you still are at risk.

One issue is that as we get older our bone density drops (bones become brittle) we have less collagen in our bones so we are at more of a risk of breaking a limb. But you can actually hold on to your bone density if you add movement into your life even better if it’s movement where your body is loaded… meaning you’re carrying something so you might have a Weight or shopping bag. Example: Everyday tasks involving pulling and pushing (empty washing machine, dishwasher), this can increases under intense loading like Bodyweight training (HIIT) weight training (lifting weights) resistance bands.. Wouldn’t it be great to hold on to your strong bones as you get older not only that but you’re not at risk from bone related diseases like arthritis, the more we move our joints through their range of motion the more lubricated they become and this stops your bones rubbing together which can be very painful in later life.


So why not build up your bone density now ??? by having a more active life and do yourself a big favour and add in a little bit of weight to help build that bone density. Your bones are constantly resorbing and reforming they do this once put under stress (ligaments and tendons pulling on them during movement).

Healthy heart and lungs are another benefit from moving more. In Ireland our hospitals are laden with heart disease. The wait time at an Irish hospital is around 48hours. This is RIDICULOUS I know but it’s not only a sign of mismanaged healthcare system but also of the ever increasing number of people, young too 40-50, with heart complaints. Nearly 80% of all deaths in Ireland are from chronic and 60% worldwide…. Three quarters of all deaths between the ages of 18 and over as a result of chronic diseases (World Health Organisation, 2001) . In a nut shell not moving enough is killing us.

Sedentary Death Syndrome is a recent designation by leading scientists to represent the growing collection of hypokinetic disease threatening public health… it reflects health conditions caused by a lack of adequate physical activity and is responsible for increasing rate of premature or morbidity and morality.

60% of diseases burdening Europe are chronic. The factors for having chronic disease are

1. Blood Pressure
2. Alcohol
3. Tobacco
4. Cholesterol
5. Obesity
6. Poor diet
7. Inactivity

Being active is as important as your healthy eating. Build that body now and avoid the disease.. Regular physical activity and good fitness can promote good health and prevent diseases or be part of a treatment for disease . Don’t be a statistic on a waiting list in the Mater Hospital. It’s not too late to start. You can hold on to your bone density you’ve got now you can get active and get that healthy heart and avoid diabetes and other chronic illness.

In England patients with chronic disease are referred to a Personal Trainer to help them get active and fit. Most people don’t realise if they just took up some gentle guided exercise that they could improve their quality of life. Ireland is so backward in some ways. It frustrates me. To the government people’s health comes last. So for now what I’m doing is prevention. I don’t want to be that person lying on a hospital trolley 48 hours in a corridor and I don’t want you to be either.

Take care of your body and ask for help if you need it. There’s a wealth of fitness professionals and speak to your doctor if you’re worried you won’t be able for exercise.

Michelle X

My new career


Since I left my last blog off I was embarking on my fitness career and had enrolled in NTC. I decided to update you on where I am now and what’s happened in between my last blog post and now.

Well I started on my journey to a new career with my first day in NTC. To say I was a bag of nerves was an understatement. I walked in rattling with fear and hoping I’d made the right choice. I was still questioning whether I’d be able for it. I scanned the room to see who id be taking this new journey with. Honestly it’s a blur looking back now. I knew there were people but I just couldn’t focus. I don’t think any of us spoke to each other as we were all in the same boat starting something new that we were rightly nervous about. The room started to fill up and seats were getting occupied.. I tried a couple of hellos as new faces emerged through the door but the fear had rendered me mute.. So I nodded a casual hello instead. The clock went to 2pm and in walked our course coordinator Michelle. She was beaming ear to ear and had obviously seen the fear and dear in head lights glances back at her before. John sharkey who is director of NTC was also there and started the room off by introducing themselves. I think this for me was so unsettling as its your first impression on the group. I toyed with the idea of mentioning my departure from Clerys or not and decided I would as its part of my journey but I was firm I didn’t want to talk about it. The endless questions on “you poor thing what happened ?” from June 2015 when I lost my job up to January 2016 was too much and I just couldn’t answer anymore. I had moved on that was the past this was my future.

Well I need not have worried about the group. Over the coming days and weeks I got to know them and they were a fantastic group of people. So supportive and genuinely nice people. We had some laughs and some stressful days but one thing was apparent that we all got on and cared that each other did well. Couple that with the great teachers and the access to the gym to practice I was beginning to see the light at the end of tunnel.

The course isn’t easy but it’s not so tough id discourage anyone from doing it. It requires a lot of commitment and I did put my social life on hold for the 5 months I was there. Although it’s only 2 hours 30 mins in college you really have to put the work in after college too. I’m the sort of person who puts enormous pressure on myself. My weekends involved study and practice my week days college and staying back for practice and my training to get stronger. I had some health issues too that I had to deal with and a brief stint ,which added stress, when my mam went into hospital but it makes the passing the exams all that much sweeter.

I got my certs in the post while I was away on holidays and it’s just boosted me. I’m still nervous for the future and have self doubt.. I’m still over coming health issues which have knocked my plans back a little. I’m hoping after August I’ll be all clear and ready to take on the world.

I started work on building a little PT studio and have been doing research into teaching post natal clients. Injuries and rehabilitation is where I’d like to go next. I’m trying to read as much as I can and absorb all the knowledge I can. It’s all new and I didn’t even know how much work went into running a successful business through Facebook.

If anyone is thinking of taking the next steps to a career in fitness.. Do it. If you need a sounding board then I’m here. I’ve been where you’ve been and I’ve put it off and said I’m not good enough or I wouldn’t be able. I’ll give you honest feed back on my journey and no bullshit help.

So that’s me for now.. Building the PT studio, looking for group class venues, hoping to get some lunchtime classes in an office or business, post natal fitness is a big interest and long term is working with injured clients.

Next blog post I’ll hopefully be flying along with my new career. Until then thanks for reading and to all those who support me.

My fitness journey – The Full Story

My Fitness Story


This is a a bit more in dept insight into my fitness history. It’s how I got to where I am today.

I was always an active kid, out playing on the road, football (mostly made to stand still and be a goal post :), cycling, chasing (kiss chasing yes) and then one of my fondest memories as a child was my long walks along the vast stretch of canals from “the hump back bridge Cabra” all the way to castleknock with my brother and dad. Without fail, no matter how tired my dad was, he came home from work, changed shoes and off we went. My dad was in the army and the days were long. He’d walk home from work in Mc Kee Barracks in Blackhorse avenue in Cabra to Finglas and we’d be waiting in our runners to head off.


Summer was our favourite time to walk, the sun would be shining and a nice cool breeze would spur us on. We could walk for hours with plenty of rest at the canal docks on the way and to pick blackberrys for some jam making with my mam when we got home. We would take our friends sometimes and I always remember how they would complain about how far it was.. “We’re we going to be walking for much longer? ” “We’re we there yet?” Me and my brother loved those longs walks and I honestly can’t remember us ever complain about being outside or how far we’d walk. We were just so happy to be out in the fresh air and walking. Each time we did the walk we’d get further and further on our travels.
When I turned 13 I noticed I’d started to get very toned legs and bum and was very concious of how I looked in leggings. Of course leggings were all the rage then so I had a pair in every colour 😂 A boy from my road commented that he liked my bum.. I was mortified and stopped wearing leggings straight away lol. (I’m back wearing them again now don’t worry)

When I turned 16 I joined a gym in Finglas, my first ever gym. I felt super grown up and couldn’t wait to start. My first day there I met the owner and she was amazing. I think my first female role model in the fitness world. She was strong and fit and so positive. She made me feel so welcome and would always chat to me after class.

I started with aerobics and then step classes and loved them. I don’t know how many times I fell over the step but I didn’t care. I started using a few of the machines and could see huge changes happening in my body. My legs more toned my tummy was the best it ever looked my skin clear and I just felt so great.

At the time I was training there the owner of the gym had gotten on to Gladiator, you know that show that was on ITV it was basically the gladiators versus non gladiator people. I was hooked to the show and couldn’t wait to see her compete. She ended up winning the show and an amazing car and she deserved it. She was my first encounter with a strong female fitness role model. It made me want to be like her.. To own my own gym to compete on gladiator.

I kept up in the gym until I was 18. Once I left school I got a job and joined a gym in town. I got a standard issue fitness plan, it wasn’t personal, the instructor didn’t know my name, he didn’t care, i missed my gym in Finglas and Joanne. I didn’t enjoy going to the gym. I worked my core so hard and legs and ignored upper body. The gym eventually closed down and I moved on.


I was very body conscious in my early 20’s as a result of an extremely controlling relationship I was involved in.. I had so many insecurities to the point where I couldn’t let anyone touch my tummy. I’m still not keen on anyone touching me there or commenting on my stomach. I had a flat toned stomach but my boyfriend at the time had made me so insecure I felt on one hand the most beautiful desirable girl to feeling like the ugliest fattest useless person. I became obsessed with a flat stomach. He had focussed me so much on my stomach and perfect body to achieve it I cut meals. I over exercised. I found the strength to leave that relationship and start over. It was tough. I was still scarred by the insecurities of the relationship. I also had this overwhelming feeling of “oh my god he’s not controlling me anymore” so I went off the rails. I stopped all exercise and eating went from little bits here and there to eating whatever I wanted and in massive amounts…. Drinking increased and exercise went out the window.

I bumped into my ex boyfriend one night in town and he commented how I’d let myself go. I broke down into tears. He could still hurt me even though I wasn’t with him anymore.

I kept up with the drinking and went through another relationship with someone complete opposite to the first. He didn’t make me feel insecure at all but we did drink a lot together. Once that relationship ended I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and hated what I saw. I decided to get back to fitness again and joined The Marcovich in town. I did spinning 3-4 times a week and core workouts. My body responded straight away. I toned back up and felt great. I cleaned up my diet and reduced my drinking. I met my now husband and being with him settled my crazy life that little bit more. He isn’t a big drinker and we spent a lot of time cooking meals at the weekends.

Fast forward a year and I joined some cardio salsa dancing classes, cheesy Latin music and salsa I was in heaven. After a month there the classes turned into Zumba. I got such a high from the classes I decided to become an instructor and start my own business. I qualified to be a Zumba instructor and set up my own company. I was so nervous starting my own classes. I had just been put on a 3 day week in Clerys so had a drop in wages. I didn’t want to claim the dole so I set up my business.


Opening class was so busy I had to put on a second night. The students loved the class… They loved me… I wasn’t expecting it. I was adding more classes and on days I was told that “no one will go on a Friday or Sunday” the classes were packed. I had people on waiting lists. So am I a millionaire from it? NO. I spent a lot on advertising, posters, Zumba clothing. I was silly but hey I learnt a lot from it.

My students were amazing and I made some truely amazing friends. I got a bad stress fracture though a year into teaching which meant I had to be out for 8 weeks. Clerys gave me back my full time hours so trying to teach 9 classes a week and work full time was tough. I had to give up Zumba. It made me sad but I’d achieved so much I was so proud.

We moved to Artane and I joined Fit Studios in fairview. My now second home. This is were I grew a love for getting stronger and building muscle. I was surrounded by positive fitness role models. Amd my second encounter with strong amazing female fitness role models, Jenni Murphy, Sinead Beasley and Aimee Kershaw. Amazing strong ladies. I was inspired. I could see the change in my body but in a way I’d never seen before. My nutrition was on point and I was growing an amZing fitness family of friends and instructors.

I lost my job in June 2015 and took some time off from stressful life, but not exercise, I kept up with my personal training classes with Jenni at fit studios and was getting stronger by the week. I enrolled in NTC to become a personal trainer in January and am half way through it.

I feel like the thing I wanted to do as that inspired 16 year old I am doing it now. It’s only the start and I’m so excited and nervous. A big thank you to all who have inspired me and supported me. You guys are awesome. It’s really only the start but it’s nice to remind myself how I got here.

Fitness and Depression

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Everyone goes through a low in their life at some stage.. Mine happened over a year ago and thinking back in perspective of all other things that has happened in my life I wondered why this one took me too breaking point. Knowing now that everyone has the one point of “I can’t take it anymore” makes me feel less isolated. Knowing I’d finally reached mine was helpful in some ways. I knew I needed help.
In the days where I felt low and the anxiety attacks came at me out of nowhere I focussed on saying to myself “if I don’t get out of bed then I won’t be able to go to my TRX class” or knowing I’d just be getting an hour off from anxiety at my class meant I calmed a little and could function normally, it was kind of filing the feelings away to a subconscious place so consciously I could get on with my day …not exactly tackling the issue I know but I hadn’t the strength to do that yet.
I loved the feeling I got from going to the class or taking a PT lesson because when you work at high intensity the only thing your brain can cope with is what you are doing in that moment. It’s like a little mini mind retreat. Then there’s the positives that come from swinging that heavier kettle bell .. Lifting that heavier barbell and getting up on a bar for the first time and doing a leg raise. You have the positive influence from your trainer your gym family and you leave on a high. Carrying on the healthy eating and lifestyle you feel a lot happier. I’m not saying it cures depression but I’m saying it definitely helps or helped me cope until I got help from a counsellor.
On a side note to even admit depression in Ireland can be hard. It shouldn’t be.. It’s hard enough dealing with depression without dealing with the shame of it. We all go through hard times and we all cope with it differently. A good support system(Amazing husband) and positive focus on my health helps me. I’m finally in a better place and I won’t ever forget the role exercise played in that. I’ve decided to now make it my future career and the closer I get the happier I become.
Depression and working through it to me is a lot like getting stronger at lifting weights you start off slow and it can feel like you will never progress , you question you’re body and why it isn’t stronger, you look at the person next to you and wonder why they can complete the heavier deadlift and you cant..the sessions are tough and at times you wonder why you are doing it , you’re mentally tired and you’re body aches and you can’t see light at the end of the long dark tunnel …. but you go and take part in your training session and once its over you feel great… you start to see progression and suddenly you’ve gone from fearing something to conquering it.. the difference is I feel proud to tell someone I lifted 100kg deadlift… but I feel ashamed to say I’m still conquering anxiety.
Has exercise helped you through a tough time?

Food Prep – My tips

Love it or Hate it, Food Prep is essential if you want to keep yourself on the straight and narrow with your diet.


Here are my tips to making life easier on yourself when it comes to food prep.

1. Try and Pick the same day/days each week to cook


I always choose Sunday’s to cook my food. That way I know that I need to have all the food I am going to cook before then. I’m lucky as my husband is an early riser and the shopping is done early on Sunday mornings so by the time I rise out of my bed the kitchen cupboards and fridge are full 🙂 By choosing Sunday morning to cook it means that I don’t plan anything else for that time. I plan around my food prep. It might sound a bit anal but you have to be. Like with anything you don’t like doing ….you will put it off. That said if I am away for a weekend and cant cook on Sunday then I plan for the Friday and freeze my food. Basically what I am getting at is to plan in advance when you are going to cook and try and stick to it.

2. Bulk buy your meat


Don’t get caught out on food prep day with NO food to cook. Sounds stupid but it happens. And you will be less likely to want to go through the whole rigmarole of cooking if you have to add going shopping to the list of things to do. Places like Dublin Meat company, Courtney’s and Cosgrave’s all do bulk buy meats and always have deals, you have to try their Scotch steak, they are cheaper than a fillet but just as lean, they have a deal on for 800G of lean mince beef and 5 scotch fillets for €15 at the moment and their turkey steaks are the best. Courtney’s do 1 kilo of extra lean mince beef for €5. Compare that to Tesco 450G of mince beef for €5 and you are making a saving buying the kilo. It comes in a freezer friendly pack or you can open it and divide it out into portion sizes before you freeze it. They also do bulk buy on chicken breasts. Dublin Meat company are by far the best for eggs, 20 Extra Large eggs for €4.

Dublin Meat Company



3. Homemade Frozen Sweet Potato Fries


I know you can buy sweet potato fries in Marks and Spencer but I am always weary of what they have precooked the fries in. Also any additives and preservatives that might be added into them to make them not so healthy. I now make my own for the reason above and also I really don’t like peeling sweet potatoes every week. First world problems I know LOL. I buy 3-4 bags of sweet potato from Tesco they are less than a euro each. (So 4 bags will do me for a month) Peel them all in one go. Chop them into sweet potato fry type shapes and pop them into a big Zip Lock freezer bag and into the freezer. Voila your own homemade sweet potato fries without any nasty additives and ready to cook whenever you want. You can also make sweet potato cubes if you prefer and if you want to be really fancy make spirals.

4. Philips Air fryer


I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE this little appliance so much. Yes I know most people have ovens and ovens are great and we don’t need another little mini oven in our lives …but if you don’t have a lot of time and want food cooked just as healthy as oven cooked food but in a fraction of the time..this little guy is for you. Sweet potato fries in 10mins (around 12 mins from frozen) chicken breasts in 10 mins perfectly crispy homemade chicken goujons in 8 mins. Its so easy to clean , we just throw the parts into the dishwasher. TIP: Want crispy sweet potato fries: Add a small sprinkle of semolina about 2 mins before end of cooking and turn the heat up to 200 degrees. Crispy heaven!!!! We got ours in Harvey Norman and it was €149.

Air Fryer

 5 Snacks and Smoothies


Don’t forget to think about making some healthy treats while you are cooking your meals. I make some healthy breakfast muffins to have as a treat. I always have nuts in the cupboard, Aldi and Lidl allow you to buy nuts by their weight. Smoothies I only have every now and then and I try and have a ratio of 3 veg to 1 fruit. Smoothies can get quiet sugary if you add in lots of fruit. One little tip I have for you is to freeze little packs of the fruit and veg you would use for your smoothie. Saves you have to peel and chop every time you want a smoothie all you have to do is grab the premade pack from the freezer and add it to your Nutri Ninja or blender and you have a lovely frozen smoothie.

6. Tuberware is your best friend


Yep so you know when you got invited to that Tuberware party and you said no as you were washing your hair????…Oh ok sorry I forgot we aren’t in an 80’s sitcom so you probably have never been invited to one. Fret not because the shelves of Dealz are laden with the little plastic fantastic’s. As with all of Dealz deals they are priced at €1.49. If you are wanting more trendy hard wearing tuberware then Tesco and Ikea are your only man. Every shape, size and colour you could ever want. These little babies will be your best friend. Have them ready and out on the counter while you cook ready to pop your cooked food into. Divide them out into meal portions and pop them in the fridge ready to take to work or the gym.

Those are just a few little tips to help you stay on track. It takes time but once you get into the groove of food prep it gets easier. You will be glad you did it and it keeps you away from the takeaway menus.