My fitness journey – The Full Story

My Fitness Story


This is a a bit more in dept insight into my fitness history. It’s how I got to where I am today.

I was always an active kid, out playing on the road, football (mostly made to stand still and be a goal post :), cycling, chasing (kiss chasing yes) and then one of my fondest memories as a child was my long walks along the vast stretch of canals from “the hump back bridge Cabra” all the way to castleknock with my brother and dad. Without fail, no matter how tired my dad was, he came home from work, changed shoes and off we went. My dad was in the army and the days were long. He’d walk home from work in Mc Kee Barracks in Blackhorse avenue in Cabra to Finglas and we’d be waiting in our runners to head off.


Summer was our favourite time to walk, the sun would be shining and a nice cool breeze would spur us on. We could walk for hours with plenty of rest at the canal docks on the way and to pick blackberrys for some jam making with my mam when we got home. We would take our friends sometimes and I always remember how they would complain about how far it was.. “We’re we going to be walking for much longer? ” “We’re we there yet?” Me and my brother loved those longs walks and I honestly can’t remember us ever complain about being outside or how far we’d walk. We were just so happy to be out in the fresh air and walking. Each time we did the walk we’d get further and further on our travels.
When I turned 13 I noticed I’d started to get very toned legs and bum and was very concious of how I looked in leggings. Of course leggings were all the rage then so I had a pair in every colour 😂 A boy from my road commented that he liked my bum.. I was mortified and stopped wearing leggings straight away lol. (I’m back wearing them again now don’t worry)

When I turned 16 I joined a gym in Finglas, my first ever gym. I felt super grown up and couldn’t wait to start. My first day there I met the owner and she was amazing. I think my first female role model in the fitness world. She was strong and fit and so positive. She made me feel so welcome and would always chat to me after class.

I started with aerobics and then step classes and loved them. I don’t know how many times I fell over the step but I didn’t care. I started using a few of the machines and could see huge changes happening in my body. My legs more toned my tummy was the best it ever looked my skin clear and I just felt so great.

At the time I was training there the owner of the gym had gotten on to Gladiator, you know that show that was on ITV it was basically the gladiators versus non gladiator people. I was hooked to the show and couldn’t wait to see her compete. She ended up winning the show and an amazing car and she deserved it. She was my first encounter with a strong female fitness role model. It made me want to be like her.. To own my own gym to compete on gladiator.

I kept up in the gym until I was 18. Once I left school I got a job and joined a gym in town. I got a standard issue fitness plan, it wasn’t personal, the instructor didn’t know my name, he didn’t care, i missed my gym in Finglas and Joanne. I didn’t enjoy going to the gym. I worked my core so hard and legs and ignored upper body. The gym eventually closed down and I moved on.


I was very body conscious in my early 20’s as a result of an extremely controlling relationship I was involved in.. I had so many insecurities to the point where I couldn’t let anyone touch my tummy. I’m still not keen on anyone touching me there or commenting on my stomach. I had a flat toned stomach but my boyfriend at the time had made me so insecure I felt on one hand the most beautiful desirable girl to feeling like the ugliest fattest useless person. I became obsessed with a flat stomach. He had focussed me so much on my stomach and perfect body to achieve it I cut meals. I over exercised. I found the strength to leave that relationship and start over. It was tough. I was still scarred by the insecurities of the relationship. I also had this overwhelming feeling of “oh my god he’s not controlling me anymore” so I went off the rails. I stopped all exercise and eating went from little bits here and there to eating whatever I wanted and in massive amounts…. Drinking increased and exercise went out the window.

I bumped into my ex boyfriend one night in town and he commented how I’d let myself go. I broke down into tears. He could still hurt me even though I wasn’t with him anymore.

I kept up with the drinking and went through another relationship with someone complete opposite to the first. He didn’t make me feel insecure at all but we did drink a lot together. Once that relationship ended I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and hated what I saw. I decided to get back to fitness again and joined The Marcovich in town. I did spinning 3-4 times a week and core workouts. My body responded straight away. I toned back up and felt great. I cleaned up my diet and reduced my drinking. I met my now husband and being with him settled my crazy life that little bit more. He isn’t a big drinker and we spent a lot of time cooking meals at the weekends.

Fast forward a year and I joined some cardio salsa dancing classes, cheesy Latin music and salsa I was in heaven. After a month there the classes turned into Zumba. I got such a high from the classes I decided to become an instructor and start my own business. I qualified to be a Zumba instructor and set up my own company. I was so nervous starting my own classes. I had just been put on a 3 day week in Clerys so had a drop in wages. I didn’t want to claim the dole so I set up my business.


Opening class was so busy I had to put on a second night. The students loved the class… They loved me… I wasn’t expecting it. I was adding more classes and on days I was told that “no one will go on a Friday or Sunday” the classes were packed. I had people on waiting lists. So am I a millionaire from it? NO. I spent a lot on advertising, posters, Zumba clothing. I was silly but hey I learnt a lot from it.

My students were amazing and I made some truely amazing friends. I got a bad stress fracture though a year into teaching which meant I had to be out for 8 weeks. Clerys gave me back my full time hours so trying to teach 9 classes a week and work full time was tough. I had to give up Zumba. It made me sad but I’d achieved so much I was so proud.

We moved to Artane and I joined Fit Studios in fairview. My now second home. This is were I grew a love for getting stronger and building muscle. I was surrounded by positive fitness role models. Amd my second encounter with strong amazing female fitness role models, Jenni Murphy, Sinead Beasley and Aimee Kershaw. Amazing strong ladies. I was inspired. I could see the change in my body but in a way I’d never seen before. My nutrition was on point and I was growing an amZing fitness family of friends and instructors.

I lost my job in June 2015 and took some time off from stressful life, but not exercise, I kept up with my personal training classes with Jenni at fit studios and was getting stronger by the week. I enrolled in NTC to become a personal trainer in January and am half way through it.

I feel like the thing I wanted to do as that inspired 16 year old I am doing it now. It’s only the start and I’m so excited and nervous. A big thank you to all who have inspired me and supported me. You guys are awesome. It’s really only the start but it’s nice to remind myself how I got here.