My new career


Since I left my last blog off I was embarking on my fitness career and had enrolled in NTC. I decided to update you on where I am now and what’s happened in between my last blog post and now.

Well I started on my journey to a new career with my first day in NTC. To say I was a bag of nerves was an understatement. I walked in rattling with fear and hoping I’d made the right choice. I was still questioning whether I’d be able for it. I scanned the room to see who id be taking this new journey with. Honestly it’s a blur looking back now. I knew there were people but I just couldn’t focus. I don’t think any of us spoke to each other as we were all in the same boat starting something new that we were rightly nervous about. The room started to fill up and seats were getting occupied.. I tried a couple of hellos as new faces emerged through the door but the fear had rendered me mute.. So I nodded a casual hello instead. The clock went to 2pm and in walked our course coordinator Michelle. She was beaming ear to ear and had obviously seen the fear and dear in head lights glances back at her before. John sharkey who is director of NTC was also there and started the room off by introducing themselves. I think this for me was so unsettling as its your first impression on the group. I toyed with the idea of mentioning my departure from Clerys or not and decided I would as its part of my journey but I was firm I didn’t want to talk about it. The endless questions on “you poor thing what happened ?” from June 2015 when I lost my job up to January 2016 was too much and I just couldn’t answer anymore. I had moved on that was the past this was my future.

Well I need not have worried about the group. Over the coming days and weeks I got to know them and they were a fantastic group of people. So supportive and genuinely nice people. We had some laughs and some stressful days but one thing was apparent that we all got on and cared that each other did well. Couple that with the great teachers and the access to the gym to practice I was beginning to see the light at the end of tunnel.

The course isn’t easy but it’s not so tough id discourage anyone from doing it. It requires a lot of commitment and I did put my social life on hold for the 5 months I was there. Although it’s only 2 hours 30 mins in college you really have to put the work in after college too. I’m the sort of person who puts enormous pressure on myself. My weekends involved study and practice my week days college and staying back for practice and my training to get stronger. I had some health issues too that I had to deal with and a brief stint ,which added stress, when my mam went into hospital but it makes the passing the exams all that much sweeter.

I got my certs in the post while I was away on holidays and it’s just boosted me. I’m still nervous for the future and have self doubt.. I’m still over coming health issues which have knocked my plans back a little. I’m hoping after August I’ll be all clear and ready to take on the world.

I started work on building a little PT studio and have been doing research into teaching post natal clients. Injuries and rehabilitation is where I’d like to go next. I’m trying to read as much as I can and absorb all the knowledge I can. It’s all new and I didn’t even know how much work went into running a successful business through Facebook.

If anyone is thinking of taking the next steps to a career in fitness.. Do it. If you need a sounding board then I’m here. I’ve been where you’ve been and I’ve put it off and said I’m not good enough or I wouldn’t be able. I’ll give you honest feed back on my journey and no bullshit help.

So that’s me for now.. Building the PT studio, looking for group class venues, hoping to get some lunchtime classes in an office or business, post natal fitness is a big interest and long term is working with injured clients.

Next blog post I’ll hopefully be flying along with my new career. Until then thanks for reading and to all those who support me.

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