Thinking of trying PT…


welcome.jpgHello and welcome to a page that’s hopefully gonna change your life for the better…

You have clicked on to this page because you want to try something that is going to give you results, you have a goal and you feel now is the time to achieve it. Good on you and I’m here to help you get that goal.



Personal training is PERSONAL…. its tailored to you and for your needs. Group classes are great but if you have an individual goal then personalising a session to you is how you achieve your goal. Why try and lift a weight that you are not able for just because that’s the only one left for you in a group class?? The other great thing is you get to try all sorts of awesome new things you never thought you could ever do.

In a PT session we mix Kettlebells, Suspension training, free weights, resistance bands and a bit of HIIT Training. All of the above have been explained below so don’t worry you can get to know what they are before you start. There are other packages available which are mini PT sessions of 30mins and HIIT sessions too.

Another reason is sometimes you just need a little help. That little push that can get you to where you need to be. Someone to advise you on your diet and help you make better choices. I promise you I have been where you’ve have been, I have thought “I wont be able for that” and then gone on to smash a personal best at something I never thought I could do in the first place and let me tell you when you do you will tell EVERYONE 🙂 on facebook, twitter, instagram. There is nothing like achieving your goal but achieving something you never thought you could will make you feel like a new person.

Worried I am a drill sergant .. I am not I promise my job is to coach you not shout at you 🙂 … I thought Zumba classes for a few years and any of my students will tell you I am really easy to talk to and my Zumba classes were super fun with plenty of cheesy tunes. I’ve worked with visually impaired clients who also have some severe disabilities and tailored sessions to meet their capabilities so believe me I will not make anyone do anything they are not able for. That said I will push you but I will always make sure you are comfortable and we have talked through any fears you might have before we start.


You are interested in a session or a package of sessions. I am sure you still have plenty of questions and it would be great to get to know you. No better way to do this that with a consultation. Request one and I shall be there to answer any question you have. Ask me everything that’s on your mind … its OK I like lots of questions. We can mail each other, Facetime, facebook message, good old fashioned phone call or text. Request a consultation here




Kettlebells can be scary for some but worry not these babies range in weight from 4kg -48kg. Mine here at Desk To Bench PT Studios start at 6kg and go up to 20kg. So something for everyone. Kettlebells when used correctly can provide excellent full body work outs. The swing is considered the most powerful kettlebell movement because it represents full-body power, extreme fat loss, and a high level of cardiovascular conditioning. Squats, Russian twists, overhead press and rows will give you a great foundation in these bad boys that are so effective when you enter the Russian Army you will be giving one of these to train with. Well if they are good enough for the Russian army……

Reasons to say yes to kettlebell training

  1. Serious Cardio workout ( no running endlessly on a treadmill
  2. Fun and varied not boring
  3. Combines cardio and strength training
  4. Anyone can do it regardless of age, shape and gender.
  5. Short workouts with KB give big results.
  6. Boots metabolism so boosts fat loss.



Using your body weight as resistance is extremely effective. The TRX trainer was invented by a navy seal who still wanted to train but on a boat with a lot of tight spaces in the middle of the ocean and not a gym insight you cant do much. So the TRX Straps were born. You can anchor them pretty much anywhere and use it to tone, build strength, burn calories and all by lifting, pulling and pushing your own body weight. An UNREAL core tool its such a brilliant piece of equipment to not use it in a session. I fell in love with TRX 3 years ago and honestly couldn’t live without it in my training.

Reasons why to say yes to Suspension Training

  1. Total body workout.
  2. Can be tailored to all levels or fitness and strength.
  3. Great for flexibility training. Stretches on a Suspension trainer are easier to do as you are balanced.
  4. No matter what the exercise you will always be building a stronger core.
  5. Compact device that you can use at home. (Home plans available too)
  6. Build strength without any weights.
  7. Tone up every single muscle in your body



There are so many misconceptions around free weights and us ladies bulking up into big manly beasts with huge guns and hairy chests… Its not going to happen 🙂 I promise. Ive been lifting for 2 years now and I am still a woman and haven’t got a hairy chest. Free weights are really going to give you the biggest bang for your buck. Lifting weights not only builds a strong lean body but also builds bone density and can set you up for later life. You can burn calories well after your session because of the amount of effort it takes to lift those weights. If that wasn’t enough of  a reason you will be kicking ass at something most girls fear and smashing goals quicker than if you just bashed away on a treadmill or bike for hours. Weights are individual to everyone I might lift 50kgs but that doesn’t mean I will make you lift that. Personal training is personal remember.

Reasons why to yes to Free Weights

  1. Build strength
  2. Burn Calories during and after sessions
  3. Build stronger bones
  4. Push yourself mentally and physically
  5. Feel a sense of achievement with new skills
  6. Improve your mood and handle stress better



These guys are super fun  but tougher than they look. Try doing 20 reps of 3 sets of bicep curls and your biceps will burn. Great for toning and for adding in extra resistance to take a normal mundane easy exercise to the next level. They can be done pretty much anywhere and they come in different sizes to meet everyone’s capabilities.

Reasons why to say yes to  Resistance Bands

  1. Adaptable to all fitness needs and levels
  2. Used in familiar exercises, Bicep curls, Tricep Kickbacks etc.
  3. Works the whole body
  4. Tones and strengthens body
  5. Makes easier exercises harder
  6. Home use (Home programmes available)
  7. Resistance-band training can help you boost stamina, flexibility, range of motion and more.



HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. Meaning you work your ass of for 30 seconds and then take a short rest period or active rest period. Its been scientifically proven to be more effective calorie and fat burner than a 50min jog at a moderate pace. Basically you burn more fat in less time. It also boots your metabolism and long after you finished your short session you will still be burning fat up to 48 hours later. Why waste hours running on a treadmill when we can do as little as 10 or 20min HIIT session and you will see huge results. Guaranteed.

Why say yes to HIIT

  1. Effective weightloss
  2. Fast, Flexible and fun
  3. Lose fat not muscle
  4. Improve heart health
  5. Great if you are short on time
  6. Burn calories and fat well after your session ended.

So there you have it. You have a goal, I want to get you there and am dying to meet you .

Check out the prices and packages


60 MIN PT Sessions €40

30 Min PT Session €20

45 Min PT Session €35

30 Min HIIT Session €20

45 Min HIIT Session €35

PACKAGES – Great value and excellent way to smash your goal


2 x 60min PT sessions (2 a week) €70

4 x 60min PT sessions (1 month expory) €140
8 x 60min PT (2 month expiry) €280
12 x 60mins PT (3 month expiry) €420


2 x 30min HIIT (A week) €35
3 x 30min HIIT (A week) €50
4 x 30min HIIT (A week) €60

WEDDING BLASTER- I will get you in shape for your big day. Nutrition,4 or 8 weeks of workouts and some Honeymoon training sheets to take with you. Intense workouts..lots of de-stressing and sweating.

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Either 4 or 8 Weeks of sessions. 3 times a week. Bonus 2 x 30min HIIT Sessions when you book 8 weeks.

Wedding Blaster 4 Weeks (12 sessions) €380
Wedding Blaster 8 Week (26 Sessions) €700 (Pay by the month if you like)

Book a session here.

Look forward to talking to you.



  1. Michele Dooley · October 18, 2016

    Where are u based please.


    • desktobenchfitness · October 19, 2016

      Hi Michelle, I just sent you an email there with some info. Hopefully talk to you soon. Michelle


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